The Nightmare Begins
Everyone reaches a point in their life where they begin to take stock of what they have learned, what they have seen, what they have done, and based on that, what does the future hold in store for them. For me, it’s that final evaluation that really has me concerned. Going through the first three evaluations (learned, seen, done) I must say that I was very surprised at how well those things tally up. I was all smiles and a little bit smug, to be honest. The next task stopped me dead in my tracks with ice-cold fear.
The future, my friends, does not look like it will treat us well. Let me explain. I am a well-educated; book-smart and street-smart. I have experienced common events and rare peeks into the lifestyles you only see in Hollywood movies. I have lived through 8 unique political entities holding the office of President of the United States of America, each with their own personality and style. What I see right now, and continuing into the foreseeable future, is that an entire young-adult generation has only seen ONE complete Presidency (Obama) and think it is the gold-standard by which all others should be judged. Combined with the systematic elimination of any type of religion in the public square, and a total lack of personal responsibility, I see us crashing and crashing hard. I don’t mean the financial markets or the job markets; I mean ALL of it.
This generation of young adults, “generation-gimme,” has been handicapped from day-one. They were taught freedom FROM religion NOT freedom OF religion. They were taught to be tolerant only of those that share their ideas and feelings. They were told repeatedly by their feel-good parents that “everyone gets a trophy” and “it’s nobody’s fault” and they never questioned it. In fact, that is one of their traits! If something is said by someone in a position of authority and respect as defined by them, it is blindly accepted and repeated as fact. There is almost zero independent gathering of knowledge because almost 100% do not know how! Facts are a foreign concept and “feelings” are facts! How does this manifest itself?
- They cannot understand the difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant or even why there should be a difference
- They really believe that a non-management job at McDonald’s should pay enough to support a family of 4
- The simplest question that requires them to assess information and determine fact versus feeling usually results in them crumbling and calling the questioner “racist” or a “denier”
The wakeup call is coming my friends and it will not be pretty for those that cannot think for themselves. Me and mine are more than prepared for whatever comes down the pike in the next few years, are you?