This may be like preaching to the choir for readers of this blog, but it needs to be said.
Everywhere in the media we see and read about how some person or entity, usually the government with its handouts, isn’t doing enough for some supposed disenfranchised group. Never mind the fact that these groups self-disenfranchised by demanding special treatment above and beyond what every other person in the country receives as well as demanding, not tolerance, but acceptance and praise. If you disagree with their life-choice(s), you are labeled intolerant and subjected to hateful statements for those demanding acceptance.
I’ve just about had it with all of these attention whores. Listen, if you are a guy and want to play dress-up at home and pretend you’re a girl, have a good time. If you want to dress-up like a girl and walk around town and go to school, prepare to be stared at and commented on, but go right ahead. However, when you start demanding special treatment because even though you have male genitalia (a penis, testicles, etc.) you’re really a girl on the inside, you should be told that you will be classified by your body parts and even if you are a girl on the inside, as long as you are a boy on the outside, you will use the boys facilities. No special accommodations, no public debate, no town meetings. Just a simple “no”
This goes for all special groups. If you demand to be accepted living your LGBT lifestyle choice, then live it like the other 97% of the population that are not LGBT. No special bathrooms, no special treatment or classification. Oh, and don’t be surprised that if you insist on putting your lifestyle on public display in parades and protests, that some other 97% of the population decide to tell you exactly what they think about that. You definitely have a right to parade and protest, but not a right to be shielded from other people’s exercise of their freedoms.
As for me personally, you will be treated in accordance with your actions.
That all I have to say on that.